A blog made from the school trenches

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

Worried teachers, worried society

Hi everybody,
we, teachers, are very worried.
There are rumours of massive CUTS in Health and Education. but, ARE THEY ONLY RUMOURS?
Catalunya, for instance, under ultra-conservative CiU, has undertaken a series of aggressive cuts in public services that have even caused the death of people who could not be treated in time by a doctor.
Our salaries are likely to be the first victim, but that's the tip of the iceberg: what about the thousands of INTERINOS that will lose their jobs? What about the quality of OUR STATE SCHOOLS?
I can only say one thing:

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

First Post

I will inaugurate my blog with an interview to José Luis Sampedro, new Premio Nacional de las Letras.

 He is a wise, knowledgeable man. Read the interview and you will see how even old people can still have hope. It's very inspiring

By the way, do you like this poster?